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God’s Timing Takes Too Long

God’s Timing Takes Too Long

Why is it that God’s timing seems to be so different from ours?  We have such grandiose ideas and if God would just bless them now,  then I could do great things for Him.  As I pondered this thought, I turned to the scriptures for answers.  I must admit I was not thrilled at the answer, but I was comforted.

God loved Abram.  He was a good man, but he and his wife could not have children.  And we all know that in that culture, this was highly frowned upon.  No children, yet God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, the father of many, and promised him he would have so many descendants they could not be counted.  They would be as many as the stars, yet God had not even given them a single child to date.  Instead of trusting God to keep his promise, they took matters into their own hands.  How often do we try to do this too?  And problems came from that calamity of errors; however, God worked through it and eventually blessed Abraham and Sarah with a son, Isaac.  This led to a long line of descendants making him the father of many. If we stick with God’s plan, things will be simpler, but God is bigger than our faults and can bring about good in spite of ourselves.  Just remember, the path may be bumpier.

Later in scripture we read about the Israelites.  They disobeyed God so He allowed them to become slaves in Egypt for 400 years.  Wow!  That’s a long time. But God promised them he would rescue them and eventually, He did.  He sent Moses to present the 10 plagues until Pharaoh let God’s people go.  They crossed the Red Sea and were free.  Of course, they complained.  What God provided at that point was not good enough in their opinion.  They were impatient.  We know the story; God was not finished yet.  They suffered some consequences but God gave them beautiful land, land flowing with milk and honey.  We need to be patient and trust God’s plan for our lives.

Now let’s take a look at Joseph.  He was living the good life!  He parents were in love and Joseph was his father’s favorite son.  Then one day his jealous brothers sold him into slavery.  What an amazing attitude Joseph had though.  He trusted God and God took excellent care of him.  The Pharaoh trusted him with everything!  Then because of someone else’s lie, Joseph ended up in prison.  From there, Joseph still appears to have had a good attitude, trusting God.  It took years, but God worked him back into a position above all but the Pharaoh.  Joseph went through some very troubling times, unfair times.  He did not say, “It’s just not fair,” and quit.  No, he simply continued to trust God’s plan.  We are God’s hands and feet on earth and need to allow God to work through us for His purpose.

I could go on and on with examples of God providing for His people… in His time.  I have so many things I want to accomplish for His church; so many children I want to reach with His word.  I will continue to pray for speedy results, but I find it comforting knowing that God has a plan and will bless His ministry the way He chooses in His time.  I just need to be ready when He calls.  I need to be prepared to be His hands and His feet.  Remember, the hands and feet are not the brains.  Let’s let God do His job and work through us.

If you enjoyed this article, you may enjoy reading “Is Children’s Ministry THAT Important?”

Good Reads!  Learn more about this generation:

Meet Generation Z: Understanding and Reaching the New Post-Christian World

Gen Z: The Culture, Beliefs and Motivations Shaping the Next Generation by Barna Group

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Even Visitors WANT to go to Kids Class!

Even Visitors WANT to go to Kids Class!

How often do you see visitors with their kids trying to talk them into going to their bible class, but they are shy and uncomfortable so they quietly protest?  This week I was sitting in my adult class just before time to start when I overheard a visitor sitting behind talking to his dad about his first grade daughter.  He said, “I thought I was going to have to bring her to class with me until she saw they were playing with Play-doh in her class!” He continued to say, “Usually I tell her she can go to her class or mine and that my class will be boring to her, we don’t get to play.  Her response is typically, ‘We don’t get to play in my class either.'”  So both this dad and daughter were thrilled when she was playing with Play-doh.  He got to enjoy his adult class knowing his daughter was enjoying her children’s bible class.

Was she just playing?  Not at all!  She was using a Play-doh mat I created of Psalm 23 with these party sized Play-doh cups.  She got to give the lamb a tail, make a river and more.  She was learning scripture and having fun doing it!  Who says Bible class needs to be boring?  Not me!  Let’s make Bible class a place our kids and their friends actually desire to be.  We are not “entertaining” kids, we simply recognize how children learn best and “teach” this way.  Your teaching does not have to include Play-doh, but it should capture children’s attention and make them desire to participate.

I’m attaching a copy of the Psalm 23 Play-doh mat I used this week.  Feel free to download, copy and use as much as you would like.  Send it home with kids to play at home.  Want it to last?  Laminate it! It’s super easy with a Home Laminator like this one from Amazon and it’s inexpensive.  I am working on a full set of 24 at the moment since my kiddo’s enjoyed it so much. You can find all of these as they are uploaded to RaiseKidsForChrist.com on the Story Mats page.   I will post when they are ready in the event any of you are interested in using them for your classes or to simply send home with families as a way of intentionally bringing God’s word into the home each week. (This may be a great idea for children’s gifts this Christmas with a small party sized Play-doh.)

Psalm-23-Play-doh-mat.pdf (2476 downloads )

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