We are so excited to introduce new content every month, teaching your children about God through video. We’re on a mission to help build your child’s identity in Christ. We’ll have exciting new and old songs, Bible stories, learning through toys, crafts, science, and more! We can’t wait! We’ll release our next video in mid-January.
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My husband got me a new Wacom tablet so I’ve been drawing away, testing it out. What better way to play with my toy than to prepare for my children’s Bible classes! This week our kids are learning to repel evil just like Jesus did. First, they’ll color a picture of a penguin pressing firmly so the wax builds up. Then, they’ll spritz water on them to see how the waxy crayon repels the water. In God’s creation, penguins have a waxy oil over their feathers to repel the cold water. All of this led up to learn how Jesus repelled evil.
I found myself at a loss when preparing for my lesson where Paul tells the Corinthians, “24 In a race all the runners run. But only one gets the prize. You know that, don’t you? So run in a way that will get you the prize. 25 All who take part in the games train hard. They do it to get a crown that will not last. But we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”
I have 45 minutes with K-5th graders; about 15 minutes of this is the actual lesson. How do you spend 15 minutes on these two verses with young kids? They NEED visuals and movement to stay engaged. I found plenty of lessons on the internet, but nothing had visuals. So, my solution, create it! And I figured that if I need this, others may too.
It is basic. Kids learn how runners prepare to run a marathon. They need the right equipment (running shoes). They need to eat right. They need to practice. Paul compares our race for our spiritual, eternal prize to running a race, so kids learn what equipment they need for spiritual growth. They discover the spiritual food they need. They understand that they need to practice living out God’s teachings, to love others. Most importantly, they learn that God chose them and wants them in His family. He is here to help them WIN the RACE!
Attached at the end of this post is a printable book that you are free to use. It’s not professional quality, but it does the job of keeping the kid’s attention while sharing these verses. Simply print on 8 1/2 x 11 paper, landscape mode, double-sided (short fold). It prints it exactly how you need it to fold it in half, staple down the center, and you’re ready to teach! Here’s an affordable option if you don’t have a long-reach stapler. I LOVE mine and use it all of the time! https://raisekidsforchrist.com/longstapler (If you purchase this using this link, I may receive affiliate income. I only promote products I use and love.)
I provided each child with a stack of bathroom cups for an activity at the end, about ten each. They raced to be the first to stack them without falling. After a few rounds, we reinforced that there may be one winner on earth, sometimes a few when they tie, but for God’s eternal prize, everyone can win by obeying and loving God.
This is not one of my typical posts, but this site is all about raising kids for Christ, so I thought I’d share some information about children who are not blessed with the right atmosphere to learn about Jesus and how we can help.
Around 158,900 children ages two to five were abused in the United States in 2019, which is the most common age of abuse victims. The number of child fatalities due to abuse or maltreatment has remained relatively steady since 2007, and in 2019, there were 1,809 deaths from child abuse or maltreatment. UNBELIEVABLE! And this is just kids ages two to five. According to DoSomething.org, 1 in 7 children experienced child abuse and/or neglect in the past year. It’s heartbreaking.
This is on my mind right now as my husband and I work our way through the process of becoming foster parents. Our children are grown now and with numbers like this, we couldn’t do nothing. As we go through the process we can see that it’s not possible for everyone to foster children. I am expecting behavioral issues that come from children removed from their homes living in rough situations, but I am surprised at how time-consuming it is outside of simply raising the children. The state/courts require a lot of time.
What can we do? Well, you can become a foster parent, but what if that’s not for you? No problem. There are so many opportunities. Try involving your children’s classes in service work to help children who are not as fortunate as them. Reach out to a local foster care service or children’s home. They always have a need for items such as diapers, blankets, stuffed animals, and more. Encourage kids to collect certain items for these children and take them to one of these providers. Same idea as at Christmas when you adopt a family! One provider near me has a website listing volunteer opportunities. One of those opportunities is putting craft kits together. You could take one Bible class period to share what scripture says about helping others, helping orphans in particular, then go through an assembly line to put together craft kits. There are so many possibilities.
Looking for an activity to do with your child reminding them that you love them and God loves them? Try a watercolor heart! It’s easy and lot’s of fun.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27 (NIV)
Prayer is so important. It brings us closer to God. How often do you find yourself forgetting to pray, getting sidetracked in prayer, not sure what to pray for or even just repeating the same ol’ things without much thought? What about our kids? Can we teach our kids to develop a strong prayer life? Absolutely!
I LOVE hearing a child pray. It is usually so heartfelt. Seriously, they thank God for EVERYTHING; for Mom, Dad, the dog, the cat, their grandma’s cat, the lizard they saw running across the lawn and every other thing they can think of. Prayer is about more though. It’s our lifeline to our Heavenly Father.
I created a PRAY-terpillar to remind kids to pray and guide them to think about praying for certain things.
PRAISE: Praise God! He is our rock, almighty, powerful, loving, amazing and so much more. Help kids to think about this. It sets the tone for the whole prayer when you remember who you are talking to and what God is truly capable of. They may not fully grasp us (I’m not sure any of us ever do), but they’ll begin to develop an understanding that grows with time.
THANKS: Thank God for everything. All good things come from him. Let’s remember to take the time to tell God how much we noticed and appreciate his blessings.
HELP OTHERS: Teach kids to think of and pray for others. God hears their prayers. How great would it be to have hundreds of children praying for a sick friend or family member? This is also the time for them to notice when someone is sad or fighting and pray for them.
HELP SELF: And now we remember to ask God to help us. Are they struggling to behave and need help? What about a big test coming up? Are they sick? Are they trying to learn something new that they might ask God to be with them and help them with?
SORRY: And finally, “I’m Sorry.” Jesus loved us so much that he died for us. He offers us grace and forgiveness. Acknowledging we messed up and telling God we are sorry helps every one of us grown, including our children.
Let’s get started making a PRAY-terpillar from a sock. (There’s a paper option too for those who want to do this in a bigger setting without the mess.)
Supplies: Long Sock, Stuffing (stuffing, rice, beans, bean bag balls, etc.), String/Pipe Cleaners/Rubber bands, Permanent Marker
Cut 6 pieces of string to create the body parts and set aside.
Pour stuffing into the sock.
Tie (or use rubber band/pipe cleaner) the end to keep stuffing from coming out.
Tie sections creating a head and 5 sections plus the tail
Add the antenna’s with pipe cleaners or string
Draw a face
Write the parts of a prayer on each section: PRAISE, THANKS, HELP, HELP, SORRY
Yay! You’re PRAY-terpillar is ready to pray with you!
CLEANER, SIMPLER OPTION: Have kids make 6 circles with paper. Now, draw the face on the first circle and write the parts of the prayer on each section of the body. They can hang it up in their room. OR get a pillowcase and markers to draw on cloth. Draw all of this on a pillowcase and they’ll see every night before they go to bed… and every morning when they wake up!
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It comes up a lot. Parents want to raise their children to love God and have an unshakable faith, but…
Aren’t sure what to do or where to start
Life gets in the way and there is no time, of course, that makes us feel guilty
Kids aren’t interested in thinking God’s boring, video games are fun
Parents are afraid of the questions kids may ask
It’s MUCH simpler than you may think. For starters, begin including God in everyday, normal conversations. This is probably the most important and simplest thing to do. It may feel weird at first, but you’ll get used to it. Doing this keeps God at the forefront so kids begin thinking of Him first too.
Next, try some of these activities. Busy parents may not have time for long Bible devotionals every week, but everyone has ten minutes a few days a week to “play” with their kids. It just so happens this play will also teach kids about God and they’ll love it. They’ll learn quickly that God is far from boring.
And scary questions? Let kids know they are asking good questions and even parents don’t know everything so you’ll see what you can find out. Then, ask away! Send me an email. Ask in the private Facebook group. We’ll get you some answers.
Here are a few activities you can try today. Want to receive activities like this every week? How about three of them? Join for only $7.25 per month. It even comes with a 7-day free trial making it a no-brainer to sign up!