
Oriental Trading

I recently had a brother and sister in a small group setting.  He is in the third grade and his little sister is in pre-school.  While playing with gooey green slime as we talked about Solomon’s wisdom the little girl laughed as she said, “This looks like boogers.”

She has a propensity for putting things in her mouth so I said, “It sure does, but let’s not eat the boogers.”

Her brother chimed in, “Oh, my sister never eats her boogers.”

And little sister jumps in proudly, “Yes I do!  I eat my boogers all the time.”


Kids love slime. They cannot seem to get enough of it.  Every time I think it’s getting old, kids beg to make slime and take it home.  I am a huge believer in making bible class fun so I added slime to the rotation!  As I tell a bible story, I stop after every couple of sentences to ask reinforcement questions AND have the create something that has to do with what I just said.  For example, when I tell the story of Solomon’s wisdom, we begin with the him becoming a king so they make a king’s crown.  Then we talk about two woman fighting over a baby so they may make the number two or perhaps a baby rattle.  Getting the idea? They use a fun activity like slime to make the bible lesson click.


Slime is really easy to make!  You have probably already made some before being in children’s ministry, but just in case, here’s my go to recipe and links to purchase on Amazon for ease (however the local Wal-Mart will have everything you need too):

Supplies per person:  ¼ c glue, ¼ c liquid starch, optional food coloring, bowl, spoon, hand wipes

  1. Mix starch and food coloring (optional)
  2. Add glue, stirring with spoon. It will form a glob.
  3. When it is all sticking together, use hands to kneed for 2 – 3 minutes

*Use different types of glue. Clear glue and no food coloring, glow-in-the-dark glue, glitter glue… you get the idea.

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