Looking for a unique way of teaching kids the story of the birth of Jesus, our Savior? Here’s an idea we I am using tonight with our K-5th grades. They will learn about the most amazing gift ever given, our Savior. I wanted them to have something to take home to remember the story and I wanted it to be something they wanted to share with others. So what did I do? Story Stones!
“What are Story Stones?” you ask. These are simply stones with pictures that jog the memory to tell the story. I included a 2-sided page of backdrops to accompany the stones just for added fun. All that is needed is some smooth stones, 8 per person for this story, and permanent markers. I had some left over used for pumpkin drawing that worked perfectly. I have a page with all the super simple drawings for each stone so kids can copy onto their stones. They enjoy this part! If they mess up, tell them to flip the stone over. They get two chances. Once done, pass out the backdrops and begin telling the story in your most engaging story telling voice. Instruct kids to follow along placing their stones in the story as you go. (I had some glossy gray stones leftover that I used but would love to use the glow in the dark ones next time. I know the kids would eat this up telling the story in the dark with a black light!)
Click this link for the story, the backdrop and the stone drawings.
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