
Oriental Trading

Prayer cards for kids are a simple way to engage kids, to get them thinking about what they are praying for.

Even for many adults, prayer does not come naturally and when adults do pray, it is often an afterthought. We know that we cannot have a real relationship with someone we do not communicate with. Meaningful relationships are a two-way street. As children’s ministry leaders and parents, we need to help impress this into our kids hearts and minds. How does God talk to us? He speaks through His word and through prayer. The Holy Spirit lives in us, guiding us. And how do we talk to God? All kids seem to get this one right. Through prayer!

We want our children to understand that yes, we should set aside time to specifically meditate and talk to God. We also want them to know that they can be talking to God all day long. They can share their joys and triumphs and their fears and troubles. God is there for us in all of life.

This past week I had our kindergarten through fifth graders make a prayer hand book to take home and look over everyday when taking time to pray. It’s so simple! All they needed was a piece of paper, colored pencils and scissors. I used construction paper so kids could pick their color. Steps:

  1. Fold paper in half
  2. Place hand up against the fold and trace
  3. Cut out hand
  4. Write on front “Dear God”
  5. Open and write or draw pictures of things they are thankful for on one side and things they need help with on the other.

The idea is to get kids thinking about God in their lives. What has God blessed them with. What can God help them with? Do they really believe God can help them? This little craft isn’t the end all, be all; but, it is one way to reinforce prayer.

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